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Janet Gifford

Rethinking | Redefining | Reimagining

I was reading a Fortune article this morning and this statistic caught my eye: 4.4 million workers voluntarily left their jobs in September.

That’s a staggering number – especially when you add in the word VOLUNTARILY.

I’ve been following the news on the Great Resignation, or as some call it the Great Awakening, for several months. But this statistic? It landed like a huge thud in my chest.

These are real people. With lives they need to live; perhaps families they need to feed. They’re making a sacrifice. In some cases a giant one because they’ve had a mind shift in their priorities and the status quo simply isn't sustainable any more.

From this morning’s article: "Millions around the world have decided that life is simply too short to do work that risks their sanity, their safety, or their soul. For them, this moment has led to a desire for more meaningful, more impactful, purpose-driven work—work that might actually change the world. "

Here's the thing that strikes me. Many of these folks are women who have mad skills and significant leadership chops (or leadership potential). They’ve got pockets full of talent. And they’re willing to put it on a shelf for a while?

That’s some kind of huge mind shift. Or pivot. Or – awakening.

If you’re one of these women, and your heart says you simply have to find more meaningful, impactful, purpose-driven work, I want you to look at ways to use your skills and leadership chops in a new way – and with a more collective vision.

I also want you to know that you don’t need to have a JOB to fund your new path. There are countless ways to earn multiple streams of income, without the commute, without the endless meetings, and without the salary cap. I’ve done it, some of my best friends have done it, and you can too. Sure, it takes some focus and some work. With the job you’ve left (or are contemplating leaving) you’ve already proven to yourself you’ve got all the skills you need.

All you need now is an open mind and a kick-ass, solid plan.

So: Who in your network of colleagues, cohorts and friends is feeling the same way? How can you put your heads, hearts and skills together and build something with your own vision of passion and purpose? Something that makes a difference for someone, or something?

Wouldn’t it be cool if part of this great resignation – or awakening – creates teams of women who, collectively, are using their skills and leadership, engaging other to join them, and funding life-changing projects?

IMAGINE the ripple effect you could grow with a like-minded, smart, fun group of go-getters.

I'd love to hear your ideas ............

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